Stylish location making a real difference

17 March 2021
Late December 2020 we received the keys for six new Transitional Housing units for Kara House clients.
The six detached units were funded by the DHHS in collaboration with the Woodards Charitable Foundation who are committed to finding homeless families a safe place to live. DHHS selected Kara House to provide support and work with the Salvation Army Housing to manage the tenancies.
Transitional housing (THMs) is an incredibly important stepping stone for clients ready to leave our crisis refuge. THMs provide a safe and stable conduit for 3-6 months while we work with clients to secure long-term accommodation in the wider community.
There was a tight timeline to get clients accommodated as soon as possible and we had the task of setting up the 6 units which is not easy during the Christmas season. We reached out to our community and You Matter, a wonderful not-for-profit organisation came on board to help. They support family violence survivors by providing all the household furniture and items needed to run a functional home reducing the financially crippling burden of beginning a new life from scratch.
In early January a team of 15 volunteers arrived with two vans of furniture. In one day they completely refurnished, styled and set up all six units. The results were amazing, with “Vogue” style detail right down to bathroom drawers filled with toiletries, indoor plants, fruit in bowls, artwork on the walls and soft cushions every where. Incredibly we were able to move six very excited clients into the units by mid January thanks to the team at You Matter.
Other Kara House donors helped us fill the gaps with TVs and other electrical items where needed. Thanks to Starcorp Textiles, Bronwyn Burgess, George Drymonis and NAB team and our Regular Monthly Donors.
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