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CASE STUDY: Hanaa’s housing journey
Hanaa*, a mother of two, arrives at Kara FVS refuge seeking safety and independence. In collaboration with her worker, Hanaa develops a housing strategy.

CASE STUDY: Hanaa’s housing journey
Hanaa*, a mother of two, arrives at Kara FVS refuge seeking safety and independence. In collaboration with her worker, Hanaa develops a housing strategy.

Community news
Thanks to the Kingswood College school community
The amazing Interact Club at Kingswood college held a donation drive to support the clients of Kara Family Violence Service.

Community news
Thanks to the Kingswood College school community
The amazing Interact Club at Kingswood college held a donation drive to support the clients of Kara Family Violence Service.

Kara FVS news
Violence prevention in a Refuge environment
The first six months of 2024 has seen 39 women murdered by men – which comes to, one woman killed every four days.

Kara FVS news
Violence prevention in a Refuge environment
The first six months of 2024 has seen 39 women murdered by men – which comes to, one woman killed every four days.

Kara FVS news
Helping client stay safe and relaxed
In April we started family violence education sessions for clients staying in our crisis accommodation.

Kara FVS news
Helping client stay safe and relaxed
In April we started family violence education sessions for clients staying in our crisis accommodation.

Kara FVS news
Vicarious resistance – a collaborative practice
Responding to trauma for clients and practitioners is not an individual matter.

Kara FVS news
Vicarious resistance – a collaborative practice
Responding to trauma for clients and practitioners is not an individual matter.

Kara FVS news
Children in refuge. A journey of resistance and empowerment.
Children escaping family violence alongside their mother are receiving increased attention to their experiences and needs as victim-survivors themselves.

Kara FVS news
Children in refuge. A journey of resistance and empowerment.
Children escaping family violence alongside their mother are receiving increased attention to their experiences and needs as victim-survivors themselves.

Kara FVS news
Hope. A new book by Rosie Batty
As a fellow advocate and Friend Geraldine Bilston (Board member) gives her reflections on "Hope" by Rosie Batty

Kara FVS news
Hope. A new book by Rosie Batty
As a fellow advocate and Friend Geraldine Bilston (Board member) gives her reflections on "Hope" by Rosie Batty

Case studies
Case Study: Samira
Young, alone and 30 weeks pregnant, Samira arrived in need of advice and support on how to navigate her and her child’s future.

Case studies
Case Study: Samira
Young, alone and 30 weeks pregnant, Samira arrived in need of advice and support on how to navigate her and her child’s future.

Kara FVS news
Responding to the Referendum in Australia: A Call for Action
In the wake of the recent referendum , board member Geraldine Bilston, is compelled to address critical issues that transcend the political discourse.

Kara FVS news
Responding to the Referendum in Australia: A Call for Action
In the wake of the recent referendum , board member Geraldine Bilston, is compelled to address critical issues that transcend the political discourse.

Kara FVS news
Celebrating 45 years of supporting people impacted by family violence.
Standing along side victims of family violence for 45 years.

Kara FVS news
Celebrating 45 years of supporting people impacted by family violence.
Standing along side victims of family violence for 45 years.

Donate now to help fund further education and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT
For one week only we have a one-off opportunity to double every donation.

Donate now to help fund further education and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT
For one week only we have a one-off opportunity to double every donation.

Community news
Step Forward Group Pilot - October 2023
We are excited to announce the pilot of a second STEP FORWARD family violence support group in the City of Monash starting in October.

Community news
Step Forward Group Pilot - October 2023
We are excited to announce the pilot of a second STEP FORWARD family violence support group in the City of Monash starting in October.