Step Forward Group Pilot - October 2023

We are excited to announce the pilot of a second STEP FORWARD family violence support group in the City of Monash.
Our group in August saw a record number of participants and we are excited to announce that we will be piloting a second group in October. The group will be in the City of Monash which will allow us to extend our reach into another area as well as providing alternative dates for participants.
The group will follow the same format and be facilitated by our Specialist Family Violence Practitioners. We are hoping with a second group we will have the same success and we will be able to continue into 2024.
The second group will start on Tuesdays October 24 and October 31 from 10am-2.30pm in the Chadstone area
To refer a client or find out more call 03 9899 5666 or email
About the group
Step Forward is an educational support group for women who have experienced family violence, and are looking for strategies and resources to heal from their experience and regain a sense of their rights. This support group is run by specialist family violence practitioners, who will help you to develop an understanding of your rights and an awareness of abusive behaviours.
What to expect
• A safe and empowering environment
• Reflective activities
• Self-care strategies
• Information about healthy boundaries and safe relationships
• Tools for identifying and responding to abusive behaviour
Where and when
The group is two daily sessions over two weeks. Tea, coffee and lunch are provided. You’ll also receive a Wellbeing Self-Care Pack to take away.
Tuesdays October 24 and October 31
from 10am-2.30pm in the Chadstone area
How to get there
The group is located close to public transport and free parking is available in the surrounding streets. If you’re having difficulty getting to the group, assistance is available to help you get there.
What about children
To help you concentrate on your own wellbeing, FREE ON-SITE CHILDCARE is available by prior arrangement.
To refer a client or find out more call 03 9899 5666 or email
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