Case study: Amanda’s story

How we work with other organisations to provide outreach services to their clients experiencing family violence. Amanda’s story is an example of one of the many ways we can help clients in the wider community.
Though our core business is providing secure crisis accommodation and support services for people experiencing family violence, two thirds of our work is providing outreach services to people in the wider community. Kara FVS accepts referrals from organisations in the community like health services, medicalservices, community groups, schools or anyone who is working with someone they think may be experiencing family violence.
We can offer a full services or can collaborate with organsations as secondary consultants. Our services include full family violence support as well as specialist service for children who have witnessed family violence.
Background to Amanda’s story
Amanda has broken up with Martin. It’s about 4 weeks now and before the breakup they had lived together in her flat for 6 months. He has always been a bit volatile and has mental health issues, but lately this has escalated. He just won’t accept that they are no longer together and keeps turning up at the flat pleading to get back together. When she says no, he threatens to kill himself and hints at going to her mum and dads and doing something. She’s starting to feel scared and has spotted his car driving past and parked down the street. He hasn’t been violent towards her and Amanda doesn’t think it is family violence but thinks she needs some help.
Amanda googles family violence and sees that an Orange Door is in her local area and decides on her day off to go in and ask for help. At the Orange Door, a worker completes a MARAM* assessment with Amanda and discusses referral to a Family Violence Outreach Service.
The Orange Door worker is concerned that Martin has the potential to escalate as his behaviour in unpredictable and explains that the outreach service can assist her with an Intervention Order and make her home safer. Amanda accepts the help and a referral is made to Kara FVS.
Kara FVS receive Amanda’s referral
Kara FVS receives Amanda’s referral and the Team Leader reviews the referral and allocates a practitioner to work with her. Kara FVS attemptsto make phone contact with clients on the day the referral is received.
Amanda’s first contact from Kara FVS
Her Kara FVS practitioner arranges a time to speak with Amanda in her lunch break. Amanda briefly talks about her situation and in response the practitioner suggests she may need to obtain an Intervention Order. Unsure, Amanda is worried that this will make Martin worse. The practitioner advises Amanda to think about it and they arrange to meet the following week.
One-on-one meeting to establish a case plan
On the scheduled day they meet at the café as arrangedand the practitioner advises Amanda what support Kara FVS can provide as part of her case plan. Amanda’s situation is not improving and she agrees to an intervention order as it seems the only way to stop Martin from harassing her.
Application for Interim Intervention Order
The practitioner advises Amanda that they could start the process of applying for the Intervention Order immediately and they complete the form online. The practitioner explains that once the application is received, a Court Registrar will call to go through her application and inform her of a court date for an Interim Intervention Order – it’s a 2 to 3 week process. Amanda left the meeting feeling more confident and thanked the practitioner.
Pre-court preparation
Amanda was advised of the date of her Interim Intervention Order and expressed concern about taking time off work as she was new to the company. Her practitioner advises her that it was now law to be able to access paid family violence leave to attend court and other related appointments. Her practitioner writes her a support letter which she forwards to her HR Manager. They arrange to meet to prepare for her court appearance.
Support on court day
Her practitioner arranges to meet Amanda at the court on the day of her appearance to assist her through the process. Her evidence was reviewed and she was granted an Interim intervention order. Her practitioner explains that Martin will now be served with the Intervention Order and she is worried that this will escalate his behaviour. Martin has been continuing to contact her and has become increasingly agitated.
Practical safety support
Immediately after court, Amanda and her practitioner go into a café and go through the case plan to work out any additional safety supports that might be needed. Her practitioner suggests some counseling sessions which she can access with a mental health care plan from her GP. Amanda is still worried about her safety at her flatif Martin’s behaviour escalates. Her practitioner asks whether Martin had access to her phone, car or social media. Amanda lets her practitioner know that Martin used to work in IT. Concerned, the practitioner immediately suggests a security sweep by a security company who will asses her entire situation. Kara FVS will pay for the sweep using flexible funding. Amanda is offered another phone but she is confident that Martin has not accessed it.
The next day Amanda’s practitioner advices her she has engaged a security team and they will be in contact. Applications are also made for funding for a camera door bell and security cameras to be installed at her property. As she lives in a rental property Kara FVS will assist Amanda to work with the landlord to have them installed. Security, safety and a plan in place Amanda has a security sweep of her car, computer phone and social media accounts. Thankfully there are no issues detected. Amanda receives permission from her landlord for cameras to be installed.
Security, safety and a plan in place
Amanda has a security sweep of her car, computer phone and social media accounts. Thankfully there are no issues detected. Amanda receives permission from her landlord for cameras to be installed. Amanda commences counselling with a psychologist and finds it helpful. She has no contact from Martin since he was served with the Intervention Order, but Amanda’s practitioner warns her that this may only last for a short time and that she needs to keep the safety plan in place.
Case plan closed but the door is always open
With the majority of Amanda’s case management goals now complete, her file is temporarily closed and her practitioner suggests they will reconnect a week before she is due to return to court for an assessment of the Intervention order. Amanda’s MARAM and safety plan is reviewed, and she is advised to contact the office if there are any concerns or changes in her circumstances in the interim.
Kara FVS is now open for referrals. We have the capacity to take on additional clients and provide them with specialist family violence support
To refer or client or to learn more about the services we offer:
T: 03 9899 5666 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
W: (online referral form)
* Kara FVS receives outreach referrals from a number of different sources. Clients may self-refer by directly calling the office or we may receive referrals from other generalist services or the Orange Door. Referrals from a specialist family violence service will include a MARAM (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework) and other generalist services may also provide an abbreviated MARAM. Outreach support is primarily for the purposes of case management andgenerally lasts for approximately 8-12 weeks.
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