CASE STUDY: How our early intervention programs for children help

5 May 2019
Lilah was assisted by Kara House to have her son Ajmal aged 3, returned to her after her husband had her removed from their home. Ajmal had not spent a night away from his mother before so when he came into refuge, he clung to his mother and would cry if any other worker or resident came near him. At the refuge, Kara House provided Ajmal and his mother a range of books and toys to promote play and attachment between Ajmal and his mother.
Ajmal had experienced physical abuse and was displaying symptoms of trauma, including going back to wearing nappies when he used to be toilet trained. He also stopped using words and reverted to making noises to indicate his needs, he was out of his normal routine and had lost his appetite.
Ajmal had regular sessions with the Children’s Worker where they would discuss routine and how to create a calm safe environment in order to reduce the impact of trauma on his developing brain. Kara House also linked Ajmal and his mother in with the Mother Goose program which promotes storytelling, eye-contact and singing between mothers and children up to the age of five.
Ajmal responded well to this approach and began to explore the refuge environment. He enjoyed playing in the cubby house in the refuge playground and liked to be outdoors. In the cooler weather, he enjoyed snuggling up with his mother on the couch reading books or playing with the other children in the shared playroom.
Ajmal was linked in with other services to assist his mother with parenting skills and he continues to be supported by Kara House in medium term accommodation today. He is attending childcare and loves to play with other children. He is ahead with his literacy skills and continues to have a strong bond with his mother. Ajmal no longer cries when workers come over to see the family, instead he runs up to give them a hug.
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