Kara FVS news
October 15, 2019

Supporting clients through the court process

15 October 2019

Often the thought of attending Court and facing the perpetrator is a frightening experience, and this is where a Kara House Specialist Family Violence Practitioner can help provide both practical and emotional support to help guide the client through the process.

When meeting with a client for the first time and assessing her risk, the practitioner will discuss the client obtaining a Family Violence Intervention Order (FVIO). A FVIO protects a person from a family member who is using violence.

To prepare a client for Court, the practitioner will refer them to a local service for legal advice and then contact the local Magistrate’s Court to book a date for an FVIO application to be submitted. The FVIO application is a complex form and the practitioner assists in ensuring all the details are correct and factual.

On the Court date the practitioner will meet the client at Court and remain with them until the process is completed. There is usually a safe room where the client can wait with the practitioner to ensure they are not intimidated or at risk from the perpetrator.

The practitioner helps to navigate the often complex process, providing information, advocacy and emotional support. The practitioner will explain the Conditions on the Order and the breach procedure, should the perpetrator breach the FVIO.

The practitioner is also available to provide ongoing support if there is a breach or if the client is required to return to Court at a later date.

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