April 20, 2021

Are you safe at home?

20 April 2021

Learn more here

More than a quarter of a million of Victorians do not speak English well or at all. To ensure inclusive and accessible family violence information is available, DV Vic and DVRCV have translated their ‘Are you safe at home?’ resources into 15 different community languages.

COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of our lives. But times of stress and hardship are never an excuse for violence or abuse. If you are experiencing abuse, there is support available. Services can work with you to explore your options to keep you and your family safe. Learn more here

If you are in a crisis and require a translator, call the Translating andInterpreting Service (TIS National) on 131450 and ask them to call safe steps on1800 015 188. If you are in immediate danger, call 000.

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