Helping people affected by family violence for 46 years
Our specialist service provides support and education to help victim survivors of family violence in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne be safe, take control of their lives, and work towards a better future.

Secure crisis accommodation, risk assessment and safety planning.

Practical assistance, information and advice to help make choices for a safer future.

Community programs and groups to support wellbeing and recovery.
Our programs

Step Forward Support Group
Upcoming date
Tuesday June 3 and Tuesday June 10
A family violence support and educational program for women impacted by family violence.

Art and Wellbeing
Upcoming date
Tuesday June 17 - 2025
A free group for women impacted by family violence to explore their creativity and find healing through colour, texture, nature, play and movement with Art Therapy.
Our latest news

CASE STUDY: Hanaa’s housing journey
Hanaa*, a mother of two, arrives at Kara FVS refuge seeking safety and independence. In collaboration with her worker, Hanaa develops a housing strategy.

CASE STUDY: Hanaa’s housing journey
Hanaa*, a mother of two, arrives at Kara FVS refuge seeking safety and independence. In collaboration with her worker, Hanaa develops a housing strategy.

Community news
Thanks to the Kingswood College school community
The amazing Interact Club at Kingswood college held a donation drive to support the clients of Kara Family Violence Service.

Community news
Thanks to the Kingswood College school community
The amazing Interact Club at Kingswood college held a donation drive to support the clients of Kara Family Violence Service.

Kara FVS news
Helping client stay safe and relaxed
In April we started family violence education sessions for clients staying in our crisis accommodation.

Kara FVS news
Helping client stay safe and relaxed
In April we started family violence education sessions for clients staying in our crisis accommodation.